Dental Digital X-Ray
Dental x-rays are a crucial part of your dental care. Radiographs, or x-ray pictures, let your dentist see issues that aren’t visible to the naked eye, including early tooth decay, gum disease, abnormal growths, and abscesses. While even conventional dental x-rays are safe and the benefits usually outweigh any small risk, at Fryeburg Dental Center, we use modern digital-xrays to make the technology even safer and more effective. In fact, digital x-rays cut the amount of radiation patients are exposed to by as much as 90%. Plus, the process is more comfortable and considerably faster when compared to traditional film x-rays.
How Digital X-Rays Work
When taking a dental digital x-ray, we place a small electronic sensor in your mouth to capture images. While traditional film x-rays have to be developed using chemicals, which takes time, with dental digital x-rays, the images show up instantly on our computer screen. Dental digital x-rays expose patients to the least amount of radiation possible. The images are sharper and can be manipulated and enhanced on our screen, allowing Dr. Harper and Dr. Pickerell to detect even the most minute changes in your tooth structure. The accuracy also eliminates the need for retakes, further decreasing radiation exposure.
With a dental digital x-ray, there is no film to be processed, so you don’t have to wait for the images to develop. We can show you the images instantly on our computer screen.
Our digital x-rays expose patients to the least amount of radiation possible and up to 90% less than conventional dental x-rays, making them safe for all ages.
Digital x-rays are much sharper than film x-rays. We can also do things like enhance the contrast and zoom in on areas of concern, allowing for improved diagnostics.
Easy to Share
Digital x-rays offer a better visual aide for you to understand your diagnosis and treatment options. They can also be easily shared via email with other providers if needed.
Discover a New Dental Experience
Our Fryeburg dentists offer expert, comfortable care for patients of all ages in a beautiful office.